Proving with Hets


In order to use the online version run gavel with the following environment variables:

  • HETS_PORT: 80

following options parameters:

eprover –hets <problem_path>


Follow the instructions in the “hets documentation”: and start hets –server or run “the docker container”: (the mount option is not necessary as gavel uses the rest interface instead of shared files).

  • HETS_HOST: localhost
  • HETS_PORT: The port your docker container is forwarding

following options parameters:

eprover –hets <problem_path>

Python interface

Hets is just a layer around a number of provers. The latest version of gavel only supports EProver. In order to use any Proverinterface with hets, you have to pass it to the constructor:

from gavel.prover.hets.interface import HetsEngine, HetsSession, HetsProve
from gavel.prover.eprover.interface import EProverInterface
internal_prover = EProverInterface()
# Or any  other subclass or anything that quacks like BaseProverInterface
hets_engine = HetsEngine()
hets_session = HetsSession(hets_engine)
prover = HetsProve(internal_prover, hets_session)
class gavel.prover.hets.interface.HetsEngine(url=None, port=None)[source]
class gavel.prover.hets.interface.HetsSession(engine, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class gavel.prover.hets.interface.HetsProve(prover_interface: gavel.prover.base.interface.BaseProverInterface, session: gavel.prover.hets.interface.HetsSession, *args, **kwargs)[source]