
Gavel is designed to support a number of provers. The communication to those is handled by so called prover interfaces (see BaseProverInterface).

class gavel.prover.base.interface.BaseProverInterface(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for prover support

prove(problem: gavel.logic.problem.Problem, *args, **kwargs) → gavel.logic.proof.Proof[source]

Takes a instance of a gavel proof problem. submits it to the prover in a supported format and parses the result into a gavel proof object. Both translations are handled by the prover dialect in _prover_dialect_cls

Parameters:problem (gavel.logic.problem.Problem) – The problem to prove
Returns:A proof if the proof was successful

Custom Provers

The following example defines a rudimentary parser that checks whether the conjecture is part of the premises - without any semantic insight.

def simple_prover(problem):
    for premise in problem.premises:
        if premise.formula == problem.conjecture.formula:
            # Create a proof structure
            p = Proof(steps=[ProofStep(formula=premise.formula)])
            return p
    return None

We can use this prover to prove really simple problems:

problem = prob.Problem(
    premises=[prob.AnnotatedFormula(logic="fof", name="axiom1", role=prob.FormulaRole.AXIOM, formula=logic.DefinedConstant.VERUM)],
    conjecture=prob.AnnotatedFormula(logic="fof", name="conjecture", role=prob.FormulaRole.CONJECTURE, formula=logic.DefinedConstant.VERUM)
proof = simple_prover(problem)
for step in proof.steps:

If you want to use your own prover in gavel, you need to implement in a prover interface. Simply implement a subclass of BaseProverInterface.

class YourProverInterface(BaseProverInterface):
    def _submit_problem(self, problem_instance, *args, **kwargs):
        # Call your prov:qer here
        result = simple_prover(problem_instance)
        return result
pi = YourProverInterface()
proof = pi.prove(problem)
for step in proof.steps:

Note that simple_prover is accepting and returning the structures used by gavel. If your parser requires a different format, you may want to implement a dialect and use it in YourProverInterface._prover_dialect_cls.

Using existing Provers

In order to use the TPTP-library, you have to “download it”: and set the TPTP_ROOT environment variable to the root folder (i.e. the folder containing the ‘Axioms’ and ‘Problems’ folders). This has to be done because TPTP uses relative imports in it’s problem files

This is a list of all prover interface that ship with gavel:

If you want to use your own tools to alter the structure of the problem or solution, you may call the prover interfaces listed above on your own with a Problem-instance:

proof = prover.prove(problem)